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26S 蛋白酶体



Proteasome 26S

26S proteasome purified from human erythrocytes. Human 26S proteasomes were purified to apparent homogeneity. (A) Coomassie stained 12% SDS-PAGE of purified human 26S proteasome. (B) Purified human 26S proteasomes were separated by 4% native-PAGE and analyzed by overly assays using Suc-LLVY-AMC. (C) Coomassie stained 4% native-PAGE of purified human 26S proteasome. (D) Immunoblotting described cleavage of Di-Ub (K63) by 26S as a 19S activity assay.


来源:通过无标签分级法从人体血红细胞中纯化。表现出最高酶活性,可溶且均匀的。我们提供的的26蛋白酶体产品,由两种蛋白复合体组成:被19S调节亚基复合体所单帽(26S)和双帽(30S)覆盖其20S核心颗粒末端的蛋白复合体。其制作时的混合比例为40% 单帽 :60% 双帽蛋白酶体。

配方:于10mM TRIS,pH 7.0的缓冲液中,含有25mM氯化钾、1.1mM氯化镁、0.1mM乙二胺四乙酸、1mM二硫苏糖醇、1mM叠氮化钠、2mM ATP和35%甘油。








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2) Structural Snapshots of 26S Proteasome Reveal Tetraubiquitin-Induced Conformations, Zhanyu Ding, Michael H. Glickman, Yao Cong et al.; Molecular Cell Volume 73, Issue 6,1150-1161.e6, (2019), Full Text


3) Synthetic Uncleavable Ubiquitinated Proteins Dissect Proteasome Deubiquitination and Degradation, and Highlight Distinctive Fate of Tetraubiquitin Sumeet K. Singh, Ashraf Brik et al.; Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (49), 16004-16015, (2016), Full Text


4) Proteasome lid bridges mitochondrial stress with Cdc53/Cullin1 NEDDylation status, L. Bramasole, E. Pick et al.; Redox Biology, Elsevier, 20:533-543, (2019) Full Text


5) Tuning the proteasome to brighten the end of the journey, Thibault Mayor, Michal Sharon and Michael H. Glickman, American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 311(5):C793-C804, (2016), Full Text


6) Polyubiquitin-Photoactivatable Crosslinking Reagents for Mapping Ubiquitin Interactome Identify Rpn1 as a Proteasome Ubiquitin-Associating Subunit, Michal Chojnacki, Michael H. Glickman et al.;, Cell Chemical Biology 24(4):443-457.e6., (2017) Full Text


7) Proteasome in action: substrate degradation by the 26S proteasome: Indrajit Sahu and Michael H. Glickman, Biochem. Soc. Trans.49 (2): 629–644, (2021), Full Text


8) Reaction of complement factors and proteasomes in experimental encephalitis, Stefan Lange, Ivar Lönnroth et al.; J. Neurovirol. 23, 313-318, (2017), Full Text


9) Molecular architecture of the 26S proteasome holo complex determined by an integrative approach, Keren Lasker, Wolfgang Baumeister et al.; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 31:109(5)1380-1387, (2012), Full Text

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